Targeted Neuropsychological Evaluations

We often conduct targeted evaluations when a question exists relating to specific impairments or areas of functioning.

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Targeted Treatment

We offer the following targeted evaluations:

  • ADHD & Executive Functioning Evaluation
    • Attention and executive functioning skills are highly associated with academic and occupational success.  We offer this more targetted assessment to provide clients with a baseline estimate of their ability level in these domains.  This assessment package is also designed to test for ADHD.
    • This assessment can inform treatment and identify each person’s areas of strength and weakness.  Executive functioning focused treatment can then be recommended in order to improve overall functionality.
    • Often, people with deficits in attention and executive functioning present with symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and impulsivity (substance abuse).  Treating the core and teaching EF skills with therapy can lead to optimal results for children and adults.
    • Can add on Digital Brain Mapping (EEG).
  • Traumatic Brain Injury/Post-Concussion Syndrome Evaluation
    • One or repeated concussions can lead to an array of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. This targetted assessments looks at specific domains most often associated with head injuries to provide the most accurate treatment plan.  Often, clients with head injuries are misdiagnosed with psychiatric disorders and treated with medication that can be harmful to  healing from a head injury.
    • Specific recommendations will be made for treatment in collaboration with medical professionals.
    • Can add on digital brain mapping (EEG).
  • Cognitive Impairment/Dementia Evaluation
    • Memory loss, changes in language, age, and other factors can indicate progression into mild cognitive impairment or dementia.  It is paramount to make as early a diagnosis as possible.  Most medications that are effective for the treatment/staving off of Alzheimer’s Dementia are most effective when started early on in disease progression.  Often clients wait until there are severe functional changes to seek treatment and assessment, making treatment all the more challenging.
    • The value of a thorough dementia evaluation is also to differentiate different forms of dementia processes and to make recommendations essential for safety.  For example, different forms of dementia (Alzheimer’s versus Lewy Body Dementia) require different types of treatment to be most effective.  Testing will help make those differentiations.
  • Psychological/Psychiatric Evaluation
    • These assessments provide basic cognitive testing with an emphasis on emotional, behavioral, and executive functioning measures.  Psychological testing is most often recommended or requested by individuals with long-standing mental/emotional problems and dysregulation.  This evaluation will help bring light to the specific core issues playing a role in a person’s psychological functioning, and how to improve overall functionality.